Paul Bakaus
Paul Bakaus is a Developer Advocate at Google, heading up outreach for AMP. He assists developers, designers, and filmmakers to create better, faster, more immersive and more convincing digital experiences. Prior to joining Google, he created the popular UI library jQuery UI, and later the Aves Engine, the first interactive HTML5 game engine - which he ultimately sold to Zynga.
Ben Morss
Ben is a Developer Advocate at Google, where he’s working to help the Web be faster and more beautiful. Prior to Google, he worked at the New York Times and AOL, and before that he was a full-time musician. He earned a BA in Computer Science at Harvard and a PhD in Music at the University of California. Rumor is that he still runs a band called Ancient Babies.
Xavi Beumala
Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Marfeel, Xavi Beumala’s experience as a telecommunications engineer and his extensive knowledge of the digital publishing industry inspired him to found Marfeel, where he serves as the Chief Executive Officer. Beumala’s goal in developing Marfeel was to help publishers monetize mobile traffic by leveraging insights of the user experience to maximize visitor engagement and ultimately ad revenue.
Beumala served as a leader in the technology industry prior to founding Marfeel, and founded the company Additionally, he was a blogger at, Editor at Genbeta Dev and held the position of Principal Architect at Adobe Systems. Beumala studied at the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunva in Barcelona, Spain.