Support local NGOs

We are not charging an entrance fee; however, we would like to ask you to donate to one of the following local NGOs. The money will be dedicated to supporting non-profits whose mission is to grow young IT professionals in the region. Please choose one of the organisations described below. 

Suggested donation amount is 20 euro. 


 Aj Ty v IT

 Civil Asociation Aj Ty v IT (You too in IT) was founded in 2012 when the number of girls studying informatics at Slovak universities ranked only between 3 to 5%. We could practically count them on the fingers of one hand. On the other side, we used to hear complains how underemployed and in need of specialists IT sector is. So we decided to do something about it. Through workshops, lectures and specialized events, we motivate girls (8 to 19 yrs) and women to study and work in IT. In the last six years, we succeeded to increase the number of female students from 5 to 12%, but it is still not enough. Help us to dream bigger so the sector won´t miss skilled women anymore.

For more information, check on:


Butterfly Effect

 A joint initiative to educate young people to succeed in the global market was presented in September 2017 by the non-profit organization LEAF, the HubHub coworking center, Pixel Federation and Sygic. Two labs mix up teams of young professionals, freelancers and students twice a year. Together they are subjected to a real assignment with a help of mentors from successful Slovak startups and IT companies, and their common goal is to create a prototype of a mobile application or game in five months alongside work or school. The goal is to transform designers, programmers, data analysts and business people into innovators of small and large changes.

For more information, check on:


