Travel and Accommodations

Google has secured a room block at the nearby Virgin Hotel Chicago. The discounted room rate is $100 / night before any taxes or resort fees.

The cut-off date for this rate has passed. However, if you are in need of accommodations, please email and one of our event organizers will gladly assist with booking. 

203 North Wabash Avenue
Chicago, IL 60601 
1.5 miles away from Google Chicago, about a 10-minute drive

Which airport do you recommend?

Chicago O'Hare International Airport
10000 W O'Hare Avenue, Chicago, IL 60666

To be sure that you arrive on time, please note that traffic can be heavy. Without traffic, travel time between O'Hare International Airport and the Virgin Hotel Chicago is 30 minutes. With traffic, it can take up to 1 hour.

Travel time between the Virgin Hotel Chicago and the Google office is 10 minutes without traffic, and up to 20 minutes with traffic.