Ymunwch â thîm Google for Education Cymru ar gyfer cyfres o weminarau, i helpu ysgolion ac addysgwyr i gael y gorau allan o Google Workpace for Education a Chromebooks.

Mae ein cyfres hyfforddi wedi'i chynllunio'n benodol ar gyfer addysgwyr yng Nghymru. Gydag amrywiaeth o sesiynau ar gyfer dechreuwyr a hyfforddiant mwy heriol i'r rhai hyderus, mae rhywbeth at ddant pawb. Mae ein holl gynnwys yn cael ei greu i adlewyrchu unigrywiaeth system addysg Cymru.

P'un a ydych chi'n defnyddio Google Workspace for Education trwy Hwb neu drwy eich parth eich hun, bydd y gyfres hon o ddatblygiad proffesiynol arlein yn eich helpu chi i ddefnyddio platfform Google a dyfeisiadau Chromebooks ar gyfer addysgu a dysgu.

Join the Welsh Google for Education team for a series of webinars, to help schools and educators get the most out of Google Workspace for Education and Chromebooks.

Our training series is designed specifically for educators in Wales. With a variety of sessions for beginners to more advanced training, there is something for everyone. All of our content is created to reflect the uniqueness of the Welsh Education system.

Whether you access Google Workspace for Education through Hwb or your own domain, this series of virtual professional development will support you with using the platform and Chromebooks for teaching and learning.
