

Arrival and Networking

Coffee, Drinks, Pastries


Keynote | Opening Session

Google for Education in Tampere

Introduction from Google for Education and partners supporting in the region and an introduction to the day of G Suite and Chromebook learning 


Session One

Choose One:

  • Getting Started with Google Forms (EN)
    • Create surveys, self-marking quizzes to gather data and feedback easily. Discover how to create, send and review survey and quiz responses with this easy to use tool you can take back and use in your classroom straight away.
    • Suitable for Beginners - Bogdan Copil 
  • Getting Started with Google Classroom (EN)
    • An introduction to Google Classroom, the mission control for learning. Discover how you can manage and arrange learning resources and assignments pulling content from Google Drive and giving learniers flexibility to submit a range of formats.
    • Suitable for Beginners - Ben Rouse
  • 20 great tips & tools for your classroom (EN)
    • Your Google Classroom is at the heart of your hub of learning. Discover new ways to enhance your workflows, communication and feedback. We will look at baked-in and add on functions.
    • For experienced users - Louise Jones
  • 3 esimerkkiä opetukseen hyödyntäen Google Dokumentteja (FI)
    • Google Dokumentteja voi hyödyntää monenlaisissa opetustilanteissa. Työpajan aikana käydään läpi 3 konkreettista esimerkkiä, jotka jokainen voi soveltaa omaan opetukseensa.
    • Aloittelijoille - Mia Bergius, Cloudpoint


Refreshments Break

Coffee, Drinks, Pastries


Session Two

Choose One:

  • Everest Base Camp (EN)
    • Can you problem solve your way out from Everest Base Camp? In this G Suite and Coding related activity you have become stranded at Base Camp (with very good WiFi!) and you need to send a message to make sure people know you are ok. Through Coding, Expeditions and WeVideo we will get the message out!
    • Suitable for All Levels - Ben Rouse 
  • Learning projects with the core G Suite for Education Apps (EN)
    • How can you encourage your students to collaborate online? What forms of collaboration are suited for what projects? What are some of the drawbacks and workarounds for using real time collaboration? In this session we’ll have a look at some practical examples of collaborative projects using Google Docs, Google Slides, Google Drawings and we’ll discuss how they could be adapted to your lessons! 
    • Suitable for Beginners - Bogdan Copil
  • Playful Productivity  (EN)
    • This session provides playful ways to be kind, playful and productive. It focuses on tasks in a context and introduces the functions (including accessibility functions) of G Suite tools in a meaningful and memorable way. It normalises the accessibility functions so every user knows about them and can use them or share with their colleagues.
    • Suitable for Beginners - Louise Jones
  • Ideoidaan luovasti - tehdään yhdessä (FI)
    • G Suitesta ja Chromebookilta löytyy monia ominaisuuksia, joiden avulla voit ideoida luovasti ja jakaa ideoita muiden kanssa. Työpajassa tutustutaan Google for Education -tuotteisiin tästä näkökulmasta.
    • Aloittelijoille - Mia Bergius, Cloudpoint
  • Niko Virtanen ja Jyrki Uusi-Viitala School: Metsäkylän Yhtenäiskoulu (FI)
  • G Suite -ideoita alakouluun
    • Miten Chromebookeja ja G Suitea on hyödynnetty Metsäkylän Yhtenäiskoulussa? Käytännön esimerkkejä GSE-työkalujen käytöstä 3.-6.-luokilla eri oppiaineissa. Mukana myös esimerkki monialaisen kokonaisuuden toteuttamisesta Google-sivustolla. 


Refreshments Break

Coffee, Drinks, Pastries


Session Three

Choose One:

  • The power of Android Apps on Chromebooks (EN)
    • We’ll be having a look at how Android Apps can support the learning process both for us and for our students. We’ll be having a look at two examples - Google Science Journal and Google Jamboard, building upon case studies and practical demos.
    • Suitable for All Levels - Bogdan Copil 
  • Plastics in the Ocean (EN)
    • Explore the challenge of plastics in our oceans through G Suite tools and Chromebooks. The session models a research project for students looking into plastics in the ocean. Instruction, Research and creativity are showcased in this thematic learning experience. 
    • Suitable for All Levels - Ben Rouse
  • ‘G Suite to C Suite!’  (EN)
    • Creativity in G Suite Creativity, one of the big 4 Cs! Discover ways to get creative with G Suite. 
    • Suitable for All Levels - Louise Jones
  • 3 esimerkkiä opetukseen hyödyntäen Google Dokumentteja (FI)
    • Google Dokumentteja voi hyödyntää monenlaisissa opetustilanteissa. Työpajan aikana käydään läpi 3 konkreettista esimerkkiä, jotka jokainen voi soveltaa omaan opetukseensa.
    • Aloittelijoille - Mia Bergius, Cloudpoint


Lunch Break

Fish Soup


Session Four

Choose One:

  • Learning with videos - the power of YouTube, screencasting and Google Drawings (EN)
    • We all know Youtube can be a great resource for learning. But how about turning the tables and shifting from content consumers into content creators? In this session we’ll be creating our own videos we can publish on YouTube - for the flipped learning model, for showcasing our students work, for sharing our own work etc. You name it!
    • Suitable for All Levels - Bogdan Copil 
  • AI & ML in Education (EN)
    • Discover fun AI (Artificial Intelligence) experiments that can be used in the classroom to help learners understand AI and Machine Learning (ML). Then we explore how machine learning is being built into G Suite tools to give time back to teachers.. 
    • For the More Experienced  - Ben Rouse
  • ‘Don’t forget your sunnies!’ Google Expeditions and Tour Creator (EN)
    • Take a trip with Tours and Expeditions! Create your own immersive learning experiences.
    • Suitable for All Levels - Louise Jones
  • Ideoidaan luovasti - tehdään yhdessä (FI)
    • G Suitesta ja Chromebookilta löytyy monia ominaisuuksia, joiden avulla voit ideoida luovasti ja jakaa ideoita muiden kanssa. Työpajassa tutustutaan Google for Education -tuotteisiin tästä näkökulmasta.
    • Aloittelijoille - Mia Bergius, Cloudpoint
  • Niko Virtanen ja Jyrki Uusi-Viitala School: Metsäkylän Yhtenäiskoulu (FI)
  • G Suite -ideoita alakouluun
    • Miten Chromebookeja ja G Suitea on hyödynnetty Metsäkylän Yhtenäiskoulussa? Käytännön esimerkkejä GSE-työkalujen käytöstä 3.-6.-luokilla eri oppiaineissa. Mukana myös esimerkki monialaisen kokonaisuuden toteuttamisesta Google-sivustolla. 

14.30 to 15.30


Review and Reflections 

Farewell and Feedback