様々な Product テーマとあわせ、エンジニア(E ngineer)、マーケティング(M arketing)、ビジネス(B usiness)、デザイナー(D esigner)を対象とした 40 以上のセッションをご用意しています。

トラック選択時は、各セッションで扱う Product と、Google が推奨する講演対象を参考にしてください。

Product テーマ:  product 
講演対象:  Engineer engineer, Marketing marketing, Business business, Designer design


基調講演(09:30 ~ 10:40)
 Time Title Speaker
09:30 - 09:40 ご挨拶
Greetings & Welcoming Speech
Evan Kojima
Head of Japan Apps Business Development
09:40 - 10:10 all  同時通訳
拡大と進化を続ける Android と Google Play
What's New in Android & Google Play
James Sanders
Director of Google Play, APAC
10:10- 10:40 allgoogleplay
I/O 2017 から振り返る最新技術トレンド
Key technology trends from I/O 2017
Takuo Suzuki
Developer Relations Program Manager, Google Japan
トラック A(11:00 ~ 17:30) - Android, Google Play
 Time Title Speaker
11:00 - 11:30 engineerandroid  同時通訳
Android 最新情報
What's New in Android
Tony Chan
Developer Advocate
11:30 - 12:00  engineerandroid
Android 開発ツール最新情報
What's New in Android Development Tools
Oscar Rodriguez
Google Developer Advocate - Tokyo
12:00 - 12:30 engineerandroid
Android Support Library 最新情報
What's New in Android Support Library
Yuichi Araki
Developer Programs Engineer
12:30 - 13:00 engineerandroid  同時通訳
Android Testing Support Library におけるテスト運用開発
Test-Driven Development on Android with the Android Testing Support Library

Nick Korostelev
Software Engineer, Tools and Infrastructure, Google

Jonathan Gerrish
Software Engineer

13:00 - 13:30 engineerdesignandroid  同時通訳
アーキテクチャ コンポーネント - 入門編
Architecture Components - Introduction
Amrit Sanjeev
Developer Advocate, Developer Relations
13:30 - 14:00 engineerandroidgoogleplay  同時通訳
プリサイズのスリム化 成功事例
Best Practice to slim down your app size
Adam Koch
Developer Advocate
14:00 - 14:30 allandroidgoogleplay  同時通訳
Android Instant Apps を始めよう
Introduction to Android Instant Apps
Jonathan Karmel
Senior Product Manager, Android Instant Apps
14:30 - 15:00 engineerbusinessgoogleplay  同時通訳
10 Secrets to debug and optimize Android apps for stellar user retention

Dylan Curley
Engineering Manager

Richard Gaywood
Senior Software Engineer
15:00 - 15:30 engineergoogleplay  同時通訳
ごみアプリと言わせない!Play Console 最新機能でアプリの品質を高めるコツ
No one likes crashing or Janky apps! The Google Play Console is here to help

Dylan Curley
Engineering Manager

Dario Freni
Software Engineer
15:30 - 16:00 engineerbusinessgoogleplay  同時通訳
Play Console の新ツールで実現するデバイスターゲティングと失敗しないリリース
Together, Not the same: New developer tools for device targeting and releasing with confidence

Pengjun Su
Software Engineer

Peter Armitage
Software Engineer

João Cachopo
Senior Software Engineer at Google Play

Diana Mincu
Software Engineer
16:00 - 16:30 engineerbusinessmarketinggoogleplay  同時通訳
Play Console でデータを活用しビジネスを成功させよう
Making Data on Google Play work for you

Tom Grinsted
Product Manager

Nikos Ioannou
Software Engineer, Google

Iku Igarashi
Business Development Manager
16:30 - 17:00 engineerbusinessmarketinggoogleplay  同時通訳
Make more money with subscriptions on Google Play

Tom Grinsted
Product Manager

Tom Hennigan
Software Engineer

Jun Yokoyama
Business Development Manager
17:00 - 17:30 allandroid
ゲストパネルと振り返る I/O 2017
I/O RECAP with dev Panel

Wright Flyer Studios事業本部
Native Game Publishing部
Marketing Communicationグループ
大桑 哲也 様

衛藤 剛史 様

Ryo Sakikawa

Strategic Partner Development Manager
トラック B(11:00 ~ 17:30) - Firebase, AdWords, AdMob, Cloud
 Time Title Speaker
11:00 - 11:30 engineerfirebase  同時通訳
Next Generation Architecture for Building Mobile and Web Apps
Laurence Moroney
Staff Developer Advocate
11:30 - 12:00  engineerfirebase  同時通訳
Zero to App: アプリ ライブコーディング
Zero to App: Live coding an app
Kat Fang
Software Engineer
12:00 - 12:30 engineermarketingfirebase  同時通訳
Analyze your users, Grow your App
Laurence Moroney
Staff Developer Advocate
12:30 - 13:00 engineerfirebase  同時通訳
Firebase Performance Monitoring でアプリの質を高めよう
Improving App Quality with Firebase Performance Monitoring
Michael Haney
Software Engineer, Google
13:00 - 13:30 engineerfirebase
効率良くアプリの機能拡張をするための Firebase のレシピ
Firebase Recipes to Bootstrap Your App

Le Viet Gia Khanh
Developer Advocate
13:30 - 14:00 businessmarketingadwords
I/O Recap: Universal App Campaign and future of app promo
Takeshi Ariki
Manager, APAC Mobile App Solutions - Japan
14:00 - 14:30 businessmarketingadwords  同時通訳
How to work with Machine Learning and pursue performance
Seb Gaboriau
Mobile App Sales Specialist, LCS Japan
14:30 - 15:00 businessmarketingadwords
Measurement solutions for apps marketing - Today and the future
Masahide Seki
Product Technology Manager, Mobile
15:00 - 15:30 businessmarketingadwords
Rethink : Apps business and marketing for non-app-first companies
Tetsuo Midorikawa
JP Performance Solution Expert
15:30 - 16:00 admob  同時通訳
新しい AdMob を最大限に活用して収益を最大化しよう
Build Great Monetization Experiences with all new AdMob
Ross Brockman
APAC Vertical Lead, Mobile Apps Partnerships
16:00 - 16:30 admob
AdMob と Firebase の連携で実現するさらに高度なマネタイズ
lnnovate your monetization with AdMob and Firebase integration
Hideyoshi Moriya
AdMob Technical Specialist
16:30 - 17:00 cloud
Google Cloud Platform を始めてみよう:GCP初心者向けのガイド
Navigating Google Cloud Platform: a guide for new GCP users
Kiyoshi Fukuda
Google Cloud Platform Sales Engineer, Google for Work
17:00 - 17:30 cloud
Cloud Spanner 101: Google でも使っている リレーショナル データベース
Cloud Spanner 101: Google's mission-critical relational database
Teppei Yagihashi
Cloud Solution Architect
トラック C(11:00 ~ 17:30) - Mobile Web, VR, Machine Learning, Design, IoT, Assistant
 Time Title Speaker
11:00 - 11:30 mobileweb
Enabling Frictionless sign-in on the Web
Eiji Kitamura
Developer Advocate
11:30 - 12:00  mobileweb
AMP最新情報: ECでも使える!インタラクティブなAMPの作り方
Building beautiful, interactive AMP pages for e-commerce & beyond
Yusuke Utsunomiya
Mobile Solutions Consultant, gTech
12:00 - 12:30 mobileweb
ウェブのための次世代決済法 - Web Payments
The New and Open Payment for the Web
Eiji Kitamura
Developer Advocate
12:30 - 13:00 mobileweb  同時通訳
The present and future of capabilities of the mobile web
Michael Yeung
Developer Advocate
13:00 - 13:30 VR  同時通訳
Google の VR と AR の最新情報
Google's VR/AR Updates
Tom Greenaway
Developer Advocate
13:30 - 14:00 ML&AI
TensorFlow 最新情報

TensorFlow Frontiers
足立 昌彦 / Masahiko Adachi
14:00 - 14:30 ML&AI
専門家でなくてもわかる TensorFlow
Effective TensorFlow for Non-Experts
下田 倫大 / Norihiro Shimoda
14:30 - 15:00 engineerML&AI
Android で TensorFlow を動かそう: アプリを AI で加速する方法
Android meets TensorFlow: how to accelerate your app with AI
Kaz Sato
Staff Developer Advocate, Cloud Platform
15:00 - 15:30 ML&AI  同時通訳
Mobile Vision API を使って画像の機械学習を始めよう
Getting Started with Machine Perception using the Mobile Vision API
Hsiu Wang
Software Engineer
15:30 - 16:00 DE  同時通訳
The Way Forward (and Back): Defining Successful Navigation in Your App

Liam Spradlin
Design Advocate

Yasmine Evjen
Design Advocate
16:00 - 16:30 android  同時通訳
Android のセキュリティ最新情報
What's new in Android Security
Jan-Felix Schmakeit
Developer Programs Engineer
16:30 - 17:00 DE  同時通訳
Google の IoT プラットフォーム最新情報:Google のユビキタスコンピューティング
What's new in Google's IoT platform? Ubiquitous computing at Google
Johan Euphrosine
Developer Programs Engineer
17:00 - 17:30 SA  同時通訳
Google Assistant 最新情報
Building Apps for the Google Assistant
Tom Greenaway
Developer Advocate
ハッピーアワー(17:30 ~ 19:00)

ぜひこの機会を Google メンバーや他社の開発者のみなさまとの交流にご活用ください。