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Campus Talk YouTube Livestream at Nov 18th 16:30-18:30
你知道嗎?Google 台灣是亞洲最大的研發基地之一,更是目前美國總部之外最大的硬體研發基地,致力於整合 Google AI、軟體與硬體技術,持續投資與看好台灣人才!2022 年我們將擴大招募校園新鮮人與實習生,如果你對我們的正職與實習職缺有興趣,歡迎填寫報名表參加 Youtube Livestream 線上校園說明會。 說明會上我們準備了無線充電器、背包、運動毛巾與其他神秘精美好禮,要送給參加的同學!參加線上說明會並填寫問卷,就能參加抽獎,有機會獲得以上禮物喔!
Google Taiwan is one of the biggest innovation centers in APAC and also the biggest tech site outside the US. To integrate Google AI, software and hardware, we keep investing in Taiwan and would like to hire more talents in Taiwan! If you are interested in our Full-time and Internship roles, please register HERE to attend our Campus Talk YouTube Livestream. We will also prepare several nice gifts like wireless chargers, backpack and water bottle for lucky draws.
Google Taiwan Career Day x Silicon Engineer at Oct 14th 15:00-17:00
近年 Google 持續在台灣投資,於今年設立美國之外最大的硬體發展中心,結合軟硬體的優勢,大舉徵才!我們將於本活動中邀請團隊來跟各位分享在 Google IC設計的相關工作內容與生活,若你對 Google Taiwan Silicon Engineer 實習或是正職職位有興趣的同學,歡迎填寫 報名表 報名參加!(10/7 24:00 截止報名)
Google Taiwan is the biggest hardware development center outside of US and integrate the AI, software and hardware. We are hiring new grade students and interns to join Google as our Silicon engineers in Taiwan. If you are interested in IC design and our opportunities of silicon engineer, please sign up for Google Taiwan Silicon Day (virtual event) HERE by 7th Oct.
- Time: Thursday, Oct 14th, 2021 15:00-17:00 (GMT+8)
- Location: This is a virtual event
Self-study / Certifications
Grow Your Technical Skills with Google!
We’ve carefully curated a collection of material from many sources, including Google, that you can use to supplement your classwork or direct your own learning.
Google Associate Cloud Engineer
An Associate Cloud Engineer deploys applications, monitors operations, and manages enterprise solutions. This individual is able to use Google Cloud Console and the command-line interface to perform common platform-based tasks to maintain one or more deployed solutions that leverage Google-managed or self-managed services on Google Cloud.