Let's get started.

Welcome to Google's International Growth Program. We are thrilled to have you on board. Let's start off by getting you certified and equipped with the tools and resources to capture the international growth opportunity. If you haven't already, please make sure to fill out this feedback survey for our onboarding event.

1. To begin this course, please first register here for access to our trainings.

2. Below you'll find four mandatory training modules. Each module contains 1-3 videos. To complete these modules, please ensure you watch each video.

3. After you've watched all module videos, please complete the certification exam found on Module 4. In order to be certified, you will need to recieve a minimum score 17/20.

4. Congratulations! You are offcially International Growth Certified. Please keep an eye out from an email from us with next steps.


Introduction to Export

Our first video introduces the Google Export Workflow and gives you an introduction into the tools that will be important across your international growth journey. It further focuses on identifying the right clients with the highest potential. This section will set the baseline for further deep dives


Expanding into New Markets

This video offers a deep-dive into how to spot new market opportunities. It covers the most useful Google Analytics Reports and then focuses in the main part on Tips and Tricks around Market Explorer. The video ends with hands-on recommendations about setting up an ads account in a new market.

Growing Existing Markets

In this video you will learn how to analyse the open potential in already existing markets. After watching the video you will know how to gain information about market- and product parity across your advertisers export countries and how to put this information into a coherent story-line. The video includes the description to your tailormade International Market Dashboard.


Introduction to GBS

In this video we introduce you to the Global Business Solutions service offering. What it is and why it is important if you want to help your customers grow and thrive in a global economy.

GBS Service Offering

In this video we discuss the Global Business Solutions approach and we cover the WHAT, WHY and HOW of the four operational areas that we offer support on: Localization, Customer Experience, Global Payments and Logistics.

How to identify the right opportunity for a GBS consultation?

In this third and final video we tell you how to identify the right opportunity to submit for our support, through simple site checks. 


Summary Video

In this video we go through a quick recap of what we have covered through the video path and what are the suggested next steps!  


Certification Exam

Complete the exam and to test your knowledge and get recognized as an International Growth partner on the Market Finder website.


How to design, develop & implement a strategy to leverage opportunities with export clients

Leveraging opportunities within international markets requires a change in thinking and a change in execution. But changing our agency without a plan is gambling, and planning for too long can mean that we miss key opportunities. During this webinar we’ll discover a simple and effective tool to define and implement a strategy to help your agency capitalise on key opportunities within international markets.

Becoming an export ‘Trusted Advisor’: how to walk the walk & talk the talk

As digital campaign activation and management becomes more and more commoditised, advertisers are looking to agencies to help on a more strategic level; to help define, execute and iterate their own international expansion strategies. During this webinar we’ll explore how to nurture relationships a little further ‘up the food chain’ and how to develop and capitalise on higher value relationships.

The organizational challenges in implementing the international growth offering in agencies

International expansion requires strategic thinking. Strategic thinking requires experienced employees managing high risk initiatives, solving complex problems, communicating with C-Level clients. Organising, managing and leading a specialist international expansion strategy team in place of, or alongside your current delivery team can introduce communication and operational challenges. Here we’ll explore how to structure a team best suited to international clients and how to optimise your operations to deliver high margins and retain clients.

How to win more export clients

Clients who require international expansion have a very specific challenge to solve. They require specialist thinking, backed by credible, experienced consultants. Yet the Digital Agency marketplace is saturated by generalist agencies offering similar services, at similar prices, with similar employees offering similar solutions. Here we’ll look at how we can stand-out from the crowd and become the partner of choice for our clients.