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It was a pleasure connecting with so many of you. We’d love to hear your feedback on the sessions, so please consider spending 1-2 minutes filling out this form
Teach from Everywhere:
An education toolkit for a digital world
Sat, 5th Dec - 10.00 am to 3.00 pm Beirut time
Lebanese allies at Google are organizing this free all day digital event to support teachers. We have gathered experts in the field of education and psychology to share their best tips and tools on how to support continued student learning.
Video. Emma Pass, author of "The Hybrid Teacher" will share insights and practical tips on how blended learning can be managed
You will be able to join one of the following sessions:
- Asynchronous Teacher Presence (video) - Dan Fitzpatrick. In this session we will explore how to connect teachers and students in a situation where students are learning in their own time
- Good Learning is Good Learning (video, presentation) - Ben Whitaker. How do we move away from simply digitising our worksheets? A focus on collaboration, communication, creativity and critical thinking through blended learning
- Using Video in Blended Learning (video) - Laura White. This session will focus on the use of video tools to create short, focused screencasts and explanation videos
You will be able to join one of the following sessions:
- Differentiate Learning Online (video) - Dan Fitzpatrick. In this session we will discover how online tools can allow us to provide a bespoke learning experience, to meet the needs of different types of learners
- G Suite for Remote Learning (video) - Andrew Caffrey. How we can use the G Suite tools, such as Google Classroom, Sites, Jamboard and Forms to deliver remote learning
- Assessing Students Online (video) - Laura White. Becoming confident with online polls and survey tools such as Google Forms and Microsoft Forms can help you to understand your students wellbeing, interests and attitudes, as well as perform knowledge checks for formative and summative assessment
You will be able to join one of the following sessions:
- Creating a Sense of Community with Online Tools, primary students level (video, presentation) - Cat Lamin. Strategies to create a sense of community and enhance well-being though digital presence
- Keeping Connections, secondary students level (video, presentation) - Jess Marsh. How to connect with learners and provide ‘brain breaks’ using tools that focus on social and emotional wellness
- Reflective Journaling (video) - Laura White. This session demonstrates how to use Reflective Journals with students. Once assigned, teachers can view, access and comment on students’ writing, photos and videos in slides as it takes place
Video. Rasha, a Lebanese psychiatrist, will discuss how to best engage with students who have recently experienced trauma or with disabilities
Meet the Speakers
Who we are
The Lebanon Volunteer Community is a group of Google employees who have self-organised to create shelter, education, economic and fundraising initiatives to support Beirut's recovery
Deema, Maria, Michael, Steph and Yara (from the Mountain View, London, and Dublin offices) have focused on education