Hotel Accommodation

Google has negotiated preferred rates in three city centre hotels for accommodation on the night of the 12th April 2018. Please see the below hotel details and reach out directly to the hotel to arrange your accommodation for Luxury at Google 2018.


Mespil Hotel
Superior Room €179.00 Bed and Breakfast Single Occupancy Please contact the hotel directly to book
Phone: +353 1 488 4600
Promo Code: GOOG120418
To avail of the discounted room rates, please contact the Hotel before March 12th 2018.  

Clayton Hotel Burlington Road
€169.00 Bed and Breakfast single occupancy
€189.00 Bed and Breakfast double occupancy
Please contact the hotel directly to book
Phone : 353 (0)1 618 5600
Promo Code: LCS Google 2018
To avail of the discounted room rates, please contact the Hotel before April 6th 2018 

Gibson Hotel

€189.00 Bed and Breakfast single occupancy
Please contact the hotel directly to book
Phone: +353 (0)1 681 5000
Promo Code: LCS Google 2018
To avail of the discounted room rates, please contact the Hotel before March 12th 2018.  


VISA Information

If you require a letter in support of your VISA application, please send your passport number and full name as it appears on your passport to Please note that we cannot assist with flight or accommodation-related queries.

Travel Information

Google EMEA Headquarters are located at Barrow St, Dublin 4. The office is 30 minutes by car from Dublin Airport. Please allow 1 hour during peak times.

Airport Transfers
Thursday, 12th April, Shuttle transfers will depart from Dublin Airport to Google HQ every 30 minutes between 9.30am - 12 noon.
Please look for the Google Luxury sign as you enter the arrivals hall.
Transfers will also be available from Google to Dublin Airport after the conference finishes on Friday, 13th April. These will start at 1:30pm.
If you are arriving outside of these times, the Google EMEA Headquarters are located at Barrow St, Dublin 4. You can reach our offices via taxi (cost approx. €30, approx. 30 minutes journey, 1hr during peak times).

Additional Transfer Info

Coaches will be available after the conference finishes on Thursday, 12th April to transfer guests back to the three hotels listed on the website.
Coaches will also be available to transfer guests from the hotels to the evening venue at 7:00pm and will return to the hotels after the event.
There will also be coaches on the morning of Friday, 13th April to transfer guests from the hotels to Google at 8.30am.
There are taxis available directly outside the Google office for clients who wish to leave early or stay later in the Google office.

Please note that you do need to have a Google employee with you if you are staying after the transfer time.