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Mini Course: Introduction to BigQuery
Course description
In this course you will learn the fundamentals of BigQuery. You will explore different tasks and challenges that data analysts encounter, and how the features of BigQuery address these challenges. This course uses lectures, demos and hands-on labs to teach you the fundamentals of BigQuery, including how to query large datasets in a matter of seconds..
2 hours
This course teaches participants the following skills:
● Understand the basics of BigQuery
● Perform SQL analysis on data in BigQuery
Course Outline
- Introduction to BigQuery
- Get started with BigQuery
- Load data into BigQuery
- Lab: Using BigQuery to do Analysis
Topics covered
The course includes presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on labs.
● Introduction to BigQuery
● Querying Your Data in BigQuery
● Loading Your Data into BigQuery
To get the most out of this course, participants should have:
● General knowledge of Google Cloud Platform
● Experience with SQL
Technical Requirements
Laptop or desktop computer
Internet Browser - Updated versions of Chrome, Safari, or Edge
Access to Google Meet (or video conference platform named in confirmation email)
Google Cloud Skills Boost account with your corporate email address. Note: All previously created Qwiklabs accounts have been migrated to Google Cloud Skills Boost. If you already have a Qwiklabs account with your corporate email address, you do not have to create a new one.