London Session
Fernanda Viégas (Moderator)
Principal Scientist at Google
Charlotte Lee
Associate Professor, Human Centered Design & Engineering University of Washington
Talk title: “Boundary Objects and Coordination for Creativity and Innovation”
Annelien Bredenoord
Professor of Ethics of Biomedical Innovation University Medical Center Utrecht
Talk title: “Ethics Parallel Research”
Catherine D’Ignazio
Assistant professor of Urban Science and Planning MIT
Talk title: “Boundary Object: Counterdata Sets”
Nithya Sambasivan
Staff HCI Researcher Google Research
Talk title: “Everyone wants to do the model work, not the data work”
Boston Session
Martin Wattenberg (Moderator)
Principal Scientist at Google
Ed Chi
Principal Scientist Google Research
Talk title: "A twist on loss functions as boundary objects"
Sendhil Mullainathan
Roman Family University Professor of Computation and Behavioral Science University of Chicago
Talk title: “Algorithms and Interpretations - Two Stories”
Meg Mitchell
Research Scientist, Ethical AI Google Research
Talk title: "Intentional ignorance is a value-laden choice"
Seattle Session
Jess Holbrook (Moderator)
Senior Staff UX Researcher at Google
Donald Martin
Social Impact Technology Strategist Google
Talk title: "Causal maps as boundary objects for the territories we tend to avoid in AI."
Anna Ridler
Independent Artist & Researcher
Talk title: "Mosaic Virus: using datasets as part of a creative practise. "
Mindy DelliCarpini
Head of UX Engineering Google Search & Assistant
Talk title: "Simulating Intelligence: Prototyping for ML"
Hanna Wallach
Sr. Principal Researcher Microsoft Research
Panelist: Participatory ML Boundary Objects in the Field