Chiara Chiappini, Developer Advocate, Google

Chiara Chiappini

Chiara is a Developer Advocate at Google in the Developer Relations Team. For the last 2 years, she has been helping partners to build AMP pages. At Google, she helps partners be more successful on the web, on Android and iOS.

Rowan Merewood, Developer Advocate, Google

Rowan Merewood

Rowan (pictured on the left) is a Developer Advocate on the Web team at Google. He's currently focused on how to build the best e-commerce experiences on the web.

Sam Dutton, Developer Advocate, Google

Sam Dutton

Sam is a Developer Advocate based in London. Sam currently spends most of his time building training resources for web developers. He specialises in images, media APIs, and WebRTC. He also maintains, which provides the simplest possible examples of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Thomas Steiner, Mobile Solutions Consultant, Google

Thomas Steiner

Tom is a Mobile Solutions Consultant based out of Hamburg, Germany. He works with some of Google's biggest partners on improving their Mobile Web appearance.