

Yes, please RSVP through this site (see the top of the page) so we are able to send you the link for the Google Meet event. 


Yes. Please check here for more information. 

参加者のメールアドレスはGoogle Meetの管理者以外には公開されません。

Your email address will be only be seen by administrators of the Google Meet.


No. The event won't be recorded and shared afterwards. 


Yes. The event will be in Japanese. 

はい。Googleのイベントコミュニティー ガイドラインおよび嫌がらせ防止に関するポリシーをご覧ください。

Yes. Please review our Community Guidelines to ensure that the event is a harassment-free and inclusive event experience for everyone. All attendees, speakers, and staff at our event are required to agree to these guidelines. 

その他ご質問等がある場合は、google-events-apac@google.comまでご連絡下さい(タイトルに‘Spotlight on Google Sales Team in Japan’とご記入下さい)。

Please email google-events-apac@google.com with 'Spotlight on Google Sales Team in Japan' in the subject line.