Featured Speakers


Wei Jiang
Technical Solutions Engineer, Google

Technical Solutions Engineer at Google Cloud Japan who helps our largest customer resolve technical challenges and provides level two support to other support teams. Spending most of the time to troubleshoot technical problems for customers and make improvements to product, tools, processes and documentation. Before joining Google, Wei was a Network Engineer.


Minori Inoue
Software Engineer, Google

Software engineer at Google Search. Look at data and come up with a way to serve better search results to users. She grew up in the countryside and luckily met two teachers who provided the information about life outside of the small city. The learning got her to Tokyo, abroad, and Google. She loves her job because it helps achieve the same thing as her teachers did, every day at Google scale.


Tarin Clanuwat
Assistant Professor at National Institute of Informatics

Tarin got her master and PhD from Graduate school of Letters Arts and Sciences, Waseda University specialized in “the Tale of Genji”. She started her machine learning journey in 2017 and develop pre-modern Japanese character (Kuzushiji) recognition model called KuroNet in 2018. The first version of the model won the best paper award from the Information Processing Society of Japan SIG Humanities and Computer Symposium. Tarin is also the creator of Kuzushiji-MNIST dataset and the host of Kaggle Kuzushiji Recognition competition. She is now a project assistant professor at ROIS-DS Center for Open Data in the Humanities (CODH) and the National Institute of Informatics, Japan


Christine Gerpheide
CTO, Bespoke Inc

Chris leads the engineering team at Bespoke Inc, where her team develops Bebot, an AI chatbot for the tourism industry. She holds an MSc. in Computer Science and a B.A. in Mathematics and Political Science, and before relocating to Tokyo she worked as a Software Development Manager at Amazon Web Services. In her free time, she enjoys hiking, learning Japanese, and introducing people to the joy of coding.