

What is CloudReady?

CloudReady is an operating system built and maintained by Neverware. Based on Google’s open source Chromium OS, CloudReady uses web apps and cloud storage instead of traditional software and local storage. Visit CloudReady's website here.

How are CloudReady and Chromebooks different?

Both CloudReady and Chrome OS are based on the open-source Chromium OS. This is why these two operating systems work so similarly, though they are not the same. CloudReady is designed to be installed on existing PC and Mac hardware, whereas ChromeOS can only be found on official Chrome devices. A few other differences apply - for a full technical comparison of CloudReady and Chromebooks, click here.

Why should I use CloudReady?

Accelerating Adoption: If you’re already buying Chromebooks, chances are you have Windows computers left over from before you made the switch. CloudReady can convert those legacy machines so that your entire fleet can be unified under the Google Admin console.

Reviving Aging Machines: Over time, even the best PCs slow down. CloudReady replaces their aging operating systems and heavy local apps with something speedy and lightweight that won’t slow down over time.

Risk-free Exploration: Adopting any new technology always carries risks and uncertainties. CloudReady lets you experience the Google platform with no risk, no cost, and no need to get approval for hardware. Visit the Admin Corner at the Google ISTE Booth #1602, and a CloudReady specialist will flash the devices.

Which version of CloudReady will be installed on these devices?

The free Home Edition of CloudReady will be installed on devices at ISTE. This edition provides a risk-free way for schools to get a sense of CloudReady’s potential in a classroom environment. Though Home edition devices will not integrate with Google’s Admin console, we recommend reaching out to the Neverware team to upgrade to the Education edition. You can find more information about the Education Edition here.

What is the difference between the Home Edition and the Education Edition ?

The Education Edition of CloudReady is licensed on a per-device or per-student basis, includes expert support from Neverware's Support team, and is compatible with Chrome Education Licenses just like Chromebooks, making it the only way to manage old and new devices in the same place, through Google's Admin Console.

CloudReady: Home Edition offers the same great user experience free of cost, but does not include support or provide integration with Google management.

More about Education pricing options here.

How do I get started?

Come to the Google Stand at ISTE 2018! Throughout each day you can drop off an old PC, Mac, or Netbook at the Google stand...and return later to pick up your “new” fast, reliable CloudReady device(s). Specialists will be flashing these old devices with CloudReady - an operating system based on Google’s Chromium OS.

Other Important information

  • Please note that your device will be wiped clean…so please only bring devices that you know you are okay with wiping.
  • In addition, please bring along device charger(s) so that the team can successfully revive the device.
  • Google & Neverware reserve the right to revoke this offer at any time over the course of ISTE, depending on demand.
  • Please note you must own your device