Answers to your questions

Scroll down for program, logistics, and hiring FAQs. Not finding the answer to your question? Email us at with the subject line “Connect with Google roundtables”.

Program FAQs

This event series is designed for PhD students who attended CHI 2021 and are interested in connecting with Google Researchers and Engineers from our UX Research teams.

At Google we believe that diversity of perspectives and ideas leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes for everyone.This series is an opportunity for Google to engage with PhD students in the UX/HCI research field who attended CHI 2021 and provide an intimate space for connection and discussion.

Each roundtable will start with a mini introduction from your Google host about their work, career journeys, and interests and then open into an AMA (ask me anything) discussion where you can ask your hosts questions about their career path, research, roles, teams, life at Google, and more.

Please email with "Connect with Google roundtables" in the subject line.

Logistics FAQs

The small group networking sessions will be taking place on Google Hangouts Meet. Additional information including your session link will be sent to you in the confirmation email you will receive leading up to the event.

Check out the Google Meet help center and reference the “Google Meet Technical Tips” section on event homepage.

We’re sorry to miss you, but we’ll keep you in mind for upcoming events that would be relevant for your strong background. You can let us know you’re interested in hearing about future events and opportunities by RSVPing no to the event. 

RSVPs for the event will close on Wednesday, June 8th at 5 p.m. PST. We will confirm your specific roundtable room session and provide additional session details by Monday, June 14.

After you RSVP for the event, we will assign you a breakout room for one roundtable session. We will try our best to match you with a researcher with similar focus areas and to find a time that works best for you!

Yes, you will need a gmail account to join.  

Yes! There will be many opportunities to ask questions to our UX Researchers and Engineers!

We will not be recording this event for publication, or for distribution to attendees after the event, therefore we highly encourage everyone to join in live if you are able to.

Unfortunately, this is an invite-only event.