Seats are limited in each room, do arrive early for sessions to ensure you get a seat.
Registration + explore demos
Register, get your attendee name badges at Block 80 Level 2, Mapletree Business City, Developer Space @ Google Singapore.
Head up to level 3 to explore what the demo booths have to offer, grab a light snack, and get yourself seated for the sessions.
80 Pasir Panjang Road, Singapore 117372
2:00PM to 6:00PM
Multi-track sessions
Sessions will be happening all across DevFest Singapore 2019, with talks and workshops happening all across the event venue in multiple rooms.
Pick the session you'd want to attend, sit in and learn away.
DevFest Singapore 2019 session rooms: Everest, Agung, Himalaya, Developer Space @ Google Singapore
6:00PM to 7:30PM
Afterparty & Networking
Grab a light bite and a drink, and network with other like minded folks to wind down from the day's events.
Developer Space @ Google Singapore & Engagement Space
Speaker Schedule
Speaker Topics
Click on each stream to see more details about the topic
What's New with Android 10
02:00PM - 02:30PM, Everest
Android Architecture evolved to support complex, robust, production-quality apps on any scale. As developers, we want to make our mobile apps to the next level by designing more flexible decoupled architectures and by writing cleaner, reusable, maintainable, testable and decoupled code.
In this talk, you'll learn how to make your app shine with the android architecture. After this talk, you'll know how to implement the good architecture app based on MVVM and Repository Patterns, using Android Jetpack (ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Paging, Navigation), Retrofit and Dagger 2.
Hassan Abid, Lead Software Engineer @ BeLive
Compile Kotlin Project with Bazel
02:30PM - 02:45PM, Everest
Gradle is not the only build system to compile your Kotlin and Android projects, let's see how it could be done differently
Stepan Goncharov, Engineering Manager @ Grab
Flutter for Beginners
03:10PM - 03:40PM, Developer Space
Get insights about state management over time in Flutter. You will also find out about how state management approaches evolved and what's trending/best practice currently.
Aseem Wangoo, Senior Software Engineer @ PsLove
Kotlin Native vs React Native
03:40PM - 04:10PM, Developer Space
Were you wondering which crossplatform technology is the best for use? What are their cons and pros?
This session is about Kyrmyzy's personal experience in using these both technologies.
Kyrmyzy Kaliyeva, Mobile Software Engineer @ Cartrack
Building a Social Media Wall Serverlessly with Firebase
04:20PM - 04:50PM, Everest
Learn how firebase powers the social media wall and how it powers DevFest Kuala Lumpur website's behind the scene. You can also get insights about problems, techniques and solutions that were used to keep the DevFest KL running.
Finally, you can also learn about the CI/CD process for Web and Cloud Functions, and how various Firebase features are used to handle features of the website, such as invite request, sending invites, to purchasing and reporting
Lim Shang Yi, Senior Software Development Engineer @ IdealHub
From Widgets to App Actions with Google Assistant
04:20PM - 04:50PM, Developer Space
In this talk, we are going to explain the evolution of Android from Widgets back in 2009 to the new App Actions powered by Google Assistant and how your app can benefit from it.
App Actions brings the ability to Android Developers to shortcut into the App content without the need to parse complex queries or implement verbose Widgets APIs.
The session will also show how to improve an existing App Flow with App Actions and its implementation details.
Marcel Pinto, Developer Advocate @ Google
Platform, AppCompat, and Now, Material
04:20PM - 05:00PM, Himalaya
Wondered how the platform decides to use a Button or an AppCompatButton or a MaterialButton? Or how to change the color of an EditText's cursor or the colors of a dialog button? This talk will be a crash course on Themes and Styles.
Demystify how styles work and how to read platform/support libraries values.xml file. Decipher which styles a View uses, what attributes it exposes and how to customize them.
We’ll also see how you can organize your own theme and styles to offer a consistent look and feel across your app and make branding updates a breeze.
Saurabh Arora, Android Engineering Lead @ Rakuten Viki
Deepdive on ARCore's New Features
04:50PM - 05:10PM, Everest
Deepdive into new ARCore features released in this year, including Moving Augmented Image, Augmented Face and Environmental HDR.
Kai Zhou, Developer Advocate @ Google
How PsLove Used Flutter with Firebase in Production at Scale
05:20PM - 05:35PM, Agung
Jason will illustrate the brief introduction, history and trends of Flutter UI framework with Dart programming language to build cross-platform applications for the mobile, desktop and the Web.
He will provide curated topics of Flutter for mastering the essence of Flutter.
Lastly, he will also share how PsLove used Flutter in production at scale.
Jason Choo, Tech Lead @ PsLove
IoT with ESP32 & Android Bluetooth BLE
05:35PM - 05:50PM, Agung
A brief walk through of how to connect IoT devices like ESP32 with Android Bluetooth framework.
Shang Liang, Senior Technical Program Manager @ Twitter
Doing More with Server(less)
02:00PM - 02:20PM, Himalaya
In this session, we will be showing you how easy it is to create a production grade web application, in under 10 minutes.
This would cover creating the GCP project, enabling the serverless tools, CICD via Cloud Build and triggering the integration and build from committing the needed code to deploying the application.
After a speedrun demo, you will understand what transpired with key terms you can takeaway to implementing this on your own.
Weiyuan Liu, Full Stack Engineer @ Rakuten Viki
IoT Data Analytics In Google Cloud
03:10PM - 03:40PM, Everest
IoT brings together things, data, people and processes to make networked connections more relevant, valuable and actionable, resulting in increased capabilities, richer experiences, and more significant economic opportunities.
The data generated from IoT devices turns out to be of value only if it gets subjected to analysis, which brings data analytics into the picture. These conclusions are usually in the form of trends, patterns, and statistics that aid business organizations in proactively engaging with data to implement effective decision-making processes.
Divya Gehlot, DS Tech Manager for APAC @ JLL
Object Detection with Voice Feedback , Text-to-Speech and More
03:40PM - 03:55PM, Everest
Jason Yip, DSC Lead @ National University of Singapore
ColouriseSG: Bringing Black and White Photos to Life Using GANs
05:20PM - 05:50PM, Himalaya
Our team built ColouriseSG during our hackathon at work. We're excited to share about our process of building and deploying it over a relatively short period of time (thank you cloud infrastructure), and some musings about what we've learnt along the way.
Preston Lim, Software Engineer @ Open Government Products
Singapore Airlines (SIA) Recommender System 2.0
05:50PM - 06:20PM, Himalaya
Nikita will be sharing on how Singapore Airlines uses deep learning to enhance richness of personalized services and improve customer experience.
Nikita Veshkurtsev, Senior Data Scientist @ Singapore Airlines
How to go About Your Web Performance Journey
02:00PM - 02:30PM, Agung
With web moving towards reducing the gap in experience with native application, thinking about performance is necessary now more than ever.
However, there is always the question about how to start and how to go about it. In this talk, we’ll cover all basic checks and tricks which will significantly improve your performance and give you a quick motivation.
Arwa Lokhandwala, Full Stack Developer @ Telstra
Machine Learning on the Web
02:30PM - 03:00PM, Agung
Machine learning is now more accessible than ever thanks to the recent developments of various libraries.
In this talk, we'll learn how to get started with machine learning in JavaScript using TensorFlow.js and its high-level counterpart, ml5.js.
We will have a quick overview about machine learning, how we can run and train machine learning models right on the browser, and how we can make our models interact with various input sources with just a few steps.
Galuh Sahid, Data Engineer @ GoJek
Machine Learning Bias and Where to Find Them
02:20PM - 03:00PM, Himalaya
This session will cover a literature review of sources of bias and how to find them, followed by a practical demo of some open sourced tools, some custom colab on TF, and possibly ML Fairness on GCP as well.
Hien Mai, Senior Analyst (Google Assistant) @ Google
TensorFlow for Flutter
05:20PM - 05:50PM, Everest
Sam will look at how to build an app with TensorFlow 2.0 and then convert that to run in a Flutter app. Along the way he will show some tricks for getting better models with Keras Tuner.
Sam Witteveen, Co-Founder @ Red Dragon AI
Faces in the Browser using TensorFlow.js
05:50PM - 06:20PM, Everest
Martin Andrews, Co-Founder @ Red Dragon AI
Insider perspective from a Google technical recruiter: Crafting your winning resume and acing your interviews
02:00PM - 02:40PM, Developer Space
Hear directly from Google on how you can increase your resume visibility and prepare well for your technical interviews!
You will learn more about the 4 attributes Google look for in future googlers, get tips on writing your winning resume and experience our mock interview for a technical software engineering role.
Betty Tsai, Program Specialist @ Google
Scientific Leadership - Achieving Excellence with Research-Driven Management
03:10PM - 03:50PM, Himalaya
A 2018 study found out that only a quarter of U.K. teams are giving their best at work, while almost a third are actively disengaged. Businesses with actively disengaged employees lose out as much as 147% in potential earnings per share. In this talk, we'll discuss how Rakuten Viki's Mobile Apps and TV engineering team use research data help us create an environment optimal for the manager and engineers to excel and win.
Julius Uy, Engineering Manager @ Rakuten Viki
Women Techmakers: #IAmRemarkable
03:10PM - 05:00PM, Agung
#IamRemarkable is a Google initiative empowering women and underrepresented groups to celebrate their achievements in the workplace and beyond.
At the heart of #IamRemarkable lies a 90 min workshop run by facilitators trained by Google.
The workshop will highlight to participants the importance of self promotion in their careers and provide them with the tools to practice this skill.
Vaibhavi Desai, DevRel Program Specialist, SEA @ Google