Monday, December 11

Time Presenter Title
6:00pm Google What is Google Earth Engine? (slides)
6:30pm Nick Clinton Using Earth Engine to Understand Incentives for Natural Capital in Cities (slides)
7:00pm Tyler Erickson Earth Engine & Jupyter (slides, code)
7:30pm John Bailey New Google Earth


Tuesday, December 12

Time Presenter Title
10:30 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
11:00 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
11:30 Chris Herwig Google Earth Timelapse: a 32-year global Landsat and Sentinel-2 timelapse video
12:00 Gennadii Donchyts (Deltares) Surface Water Detection from Space in a Nutshell (slides)
12:30 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:00 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:30 Dave Saah (Univ. of San Francisco) SERVIR’s approach to leveraging Earth Engine for development impact, A story about land cover monitoring (slides)
2:00 Catherine Kuhn (Univ. of Washington) Monitoring Freshwater Vulnerability to Climate Change using Ocean Color Techniques in GEE
2:30 Tyler Erickson Earth Engine & Jupyter (slides, code)
3:00 Tyler Erickson Earth Engine & Climate Indices (slides, code)
3:30 Eduardo Poyart End-to-End Dataset Production in Earth Engine and Visualization in Google Earth (slides)


Wednesday, December 13

Time Presenter Title
10:30 Dave Thau Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
11:00 Dave Thau Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
11:30 John Bailey New Google Earth
12:00 Chris Herwig Google Earth Timelapse: a 32-year global Landsat and Sentinel-2 timelapse video
12:30 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:00 Noel Gorelick Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:30 John Bailey Going Off-road in the Name of Science
2:00 Eric Sproles (Oregon State Univ.) Following water's path through and across landscapes using cloud-based computing
2:30 Tyler Erickson Earth Engine & Jupyter (slides, code)
3:00 Tyler Erickson Earth Engine & Climate Indices (slides, code)
3:30 Anne Nolin (Oregon State Univ.) Snow Information for Everyone
4:00 Beth Tellman (Arizona State Univ.) The Global Flood Database (slides)


Thursday, December 14

Time Presenter Title
10:30 Matt Hancher What's new in Earth Engine?
11:00 Nick Clinton Earth Engine in 15ish minutes (slides)
11:30 John Bailey New Google Earth
12:00 Jill Deines (Michigan State Univ.) Mapping Annual Irrigation Dynamics to Inform Water Management
12:30 Nick Clinton Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:00 Nick Clinton Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
1:30 Johannes Friedrich (World Resources Institute) Open Data for Climate: Climate Watch and Power Watch
2:00 Kel Markert (Univ. of Alabama - Huntsville) SERVIR’s approach to leveraging Earth Engine for development impact, A story about water resources management (slides)
2:30 Nick Clinton Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
3:00 Nick Clinton Earth Engine Demo or Training (slides, code)
3:30 Stephen van Gordon Classification workflow for Africa


Friday, December 15

Time Presenter Title
11:00 Tyler Erickson Earth Engine Training or Demo (slides, code)
12:00 Dave Thau Earth Engine Training or Demo (slides, code)