Below you will find the titles, authors, session times, and locations for 19 papers and posters either authored by or co-authored by a Googler who will be at AGU.
A list of 60 or so abstracts that mention Earth Engine is available here at the AGU website.
Monday, 11 December 2017
GC11F-01: Using the Landsat Archive to Estimate and Map Changes in Agriculture, Forests, and other Land Cover Types in East Africa (Invited)
- Sean P Healey, Rocky Mountain Research Station
- Phoebe Oduor, Regional Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development
- Warren B. Cohen, US Forest Service Corvallis
- Zhiqiang Yang, Oregon State University
- Edward Ouko, Regional Centre for Mapping Resources for Development
- Noel Gorelick, Google
- Sylvia Wilson, United States Geological Survey
eLightning Area
(online poster)
IN11D-01 - Interacting with Petabytes of Earth Science Data using Jupyter Notebooks, IPython Widgets and Google Earth Engine
- Tyler A. Erickson, Google
- Brian Granger, California Polytechnic State University San Luis Obispo
- Jason Grout, Bloomberg New York
- Sylvain Corlay, QuantStack
H13O-05: A Global Geospatial Database of 5000+ Historic Flood Event Extents
- Beth Tellman, Arizona State University
- Jonathan Sullivan, Cloud to Street
- Colin Doyle, Cloud to Street
- Albert Kettner, University of Colorado
- G Robert Brakenridge, CSDMS Facility, INSTAAR
- Tyler A. Erickson, Google
- Daniel A Slayback, SSAI/NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
IN14A-08: Generating and Visualizing Climate Indices using Google Earth Engine
- Tyler A. Erickson, Google
- Galina Guentchev, Met Office
- Richard B Rood, University of Michigan
Tuesday, 12 December 2017
Wednesday, 13 December 2017
IN31D-07: Recent Advances in Geospatial Visualization with the New Google Earth
- John C Anderson, Google
- Eduardo Poyart, Google
- Shiwei Yan, Google
- Randy Sargent, Carnegie Mellon University
ED32A-05: The Eclipse Megamovie Tour: building awareness of the eclipse and gathering public support for the Megamovie Project
- Laura M Peticolas, University of California Berkeley
- Darlene Yan, University of California Berkeley
- Christopher Cable, Consultant
- Daniel Zevin, University of California Berkeley
- Calvin Johnson, Google
- Mark Bender, Eclipse Across America
ED32A-10: Eclipse Megamovie 2017: A Citizen Science Project
- Calvin Johnson, Google
- Justin Koh, Google
- David Konerding, Google
- Laura M Peticolas, Space Sciences Laboratory
- Hugh S Hudson, Space Sciences Laboratory
- Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros, Space Sciences Laboratory
- Daniel Zevin, University of California Berkeley
ED34B-01: Eclipse Megamovie 2017: How did we do? (Invited)
- Hugh S Hudson, University of California Berkeley
- Mark Bender, Eclipse Across America
- Braxton L Collier, Ideum, Inc.
- Calvin Johnson, Google
- Justin Koh, Google
- David Konerding, Google
- Juan Carlos Martinez Oliveros, Space Sciences Laboratory
- Laura M Peticolas, Space Sciences Laboratory
- Vivian White, Astronomical Society of the Pacific
- Daniel Zevin, University of California Berkeley
Thursday, 14 December 2017
GC42C-12: The Regional Land Cover Monitoring System: Building regional capacity through innovative land cover mapping approaches
- David Saah, University of San Francisco
- Karis Tenneson, USDA Forest Service
- Quyun Nguyen Hanh, SERVIR-Mekong
- Aekkapol Aekakkararungroj, Asian Disaster Prepapredness Center
- Khun San Aung, SERVIR-Mekong
- Joshua Goldstein, US Forest Service - GTAC
- Peter Guild Cutter, Asian Disaster Prepapredness Center
- Paul Maus, USDA Forest Service
- Kel Nicolas Markert, NASA-SERVIR
- Eric Anderson, NASA-SERVIR
- Walter Lee Ellenburg, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Poortinga Ate, Spatial Informatics Group, LLC
- Africa Ixmucane Flores Cordova, NASA-SERVIR
- Krishna Vadrevu, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center
- Peter Potapov, University of Maryland
- Kittaphong Phongsapan, SERVIR-Mekong
- Farrukh Chishtie, SERVIR-Mekong
- Nicholas Clinton, Google
- David Ganz, SERVIR-Mekong
PA43C-02: Streets? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Streets (Invited)
- John Bailey, Google
IN44A-01: Planetary-scale surface water detection from space (Invited)
- Gennadii Donchyts, Deltares
- Fedor Baart, Deltares
- Hessel Winsemius, Deltares
- Noel Gorelick, Google Switzerland
Friday, 15 December 2017
IN51H-05: Mapping the Urban Side of the Earth– the new GUF+ Layer
- Mattia Marconcini, German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
- Soner Üreyen, German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
- Julian Zeidler, German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
- Vaclav Svaton, IT4Innovations
- Noel Gorelick, Google
- Thomas Esch, German Aerospace Center DLR Oberpfaffenhofen
C52B-01: The Spatial and Temporal Variability of Meltwater Flowpaths: Insights from a grid of over 100 Snow Lysimeters
- Ryan Webb, University of Colorado, Boulder
- Mark W Williams, Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado Boulder
- Tyler Erickson, Google
IN52B-06: Cloud Geospatial Analysis Tools for Global-Scale Comparisons of Population Models for Decision Making
- Allie Lieber, Google
- Matthew Hancher, Google
- Lauren Scott, Google