Technical session recordings
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Analysis to Impact: Publishing and storytelling with your Earth Engine results
Presenter: Christiaan Adams and/or Chris Herwig
Description: Get an overview of how to use Google's geo tools to tell your stories and share your data. We will look at Google Earth, Google Maps (APIs), My Maps, Fusion Tables, Tour Builder, and Street View. We'll explore options for visualizing data from Earth Engine and otherwise, and discuss tools for creating map overlays that tell your story and communicate your message on the rich backdrop of imagery and other geo data.
Prerequisites: None
Arrays and Matrices in Earth Engine
Presenter: Nick Clinton
Description: Arrays, matrices, and linear algebra in general are powerful tools in Earth Engine, and a bit tricky to learn. Get a deep dive into advanced applications in Earth Engine using arrays and matrices.
Prerequisites: Introduction to Earth Engine API and Advanced Earth Engine API
Classifiers and Classification
Presenter: Noel Gorelick
Description: An explanation of how the Earth Engine classifier system works, simple and advanced examples of how to use it, and tips on getting the most out of it.
Prerequisites: Google Earth Engine 101 or equivalent prior experience.
Conservation Applications
Presenter: Tanya Birch
Description: This class will discuss conservation applications using Earth Engine. We will introduce conservation-specific workflows, relevant datasets in the data catalog and Earth Engine scripts to help get started.
Prerequisites: None.
Debugging Your Earth Engine Scripts
Presenter: Noel Gorelick
Description: What to do when it all goes sideways. Techniques to help you debug your Earth Engine scripts, and for when that fails, suggestions on how you can help us help you.
Prerequisites: Google Earth Engine 101 or equivalent prior experience.
Google Cloud Platform with Earth Engine
Presenter: Matt Hancher
Description: Learn how to use Earth Engine together with other products in the Google Cloud Platform. This talk will introduce you to a variety of Cloud Platform services, including Cloud Storage for managing and serving data, Compute Engine and Dataflow for running computations, and Pub/Sub for building real-time analysis applications. Then we'll show you how you can seamlessly use these systems together with Earth Engine to build powerful geo data processing applications in the cloud.
Prerequisites: This class is aimed at experienced Earth Engine users who have a general familiarity with cloud computing concepts, but no prior experience with Google Cloud Platform is assumed.
My First Google Maps API
Presenter: Christiaan Adams
Description: Take "baby steps" into the Google Maps API world. In this session, you'll create a "Hello World" Maps API webpage, and will learn how to do things like change the options (background map type, initial location, etc.), overlay data and KML layers, and start to showcase your first Earth Engine maps. While this is taught for non-programmers by a non-programmer, we will work with snippets of code copied-and-pasted from the website.
Prerequisites: Comfort opening an HTML page, but no prior JavaScript coding necessary.
Slides: EEUS 2017 - My First Maps API
Start here: Maps Javascript API Documentation - Guides
EE101A : Getting Started with the Earth Engine API, part 1
Presenter: Dave Thau
Description: The Earth Engine API (application programming interface) provides the ability to create your own algorithms to process raster and vector imagery. This session is geared toward people who would like to analyze satellite and vector data. The session will be hands-on, using the Earth Engine Javascript code editor. This part of the class will focus on accessing imagery, creating composites, and running analyses over stacks of images.
Prerequisites: Familiarity with at least one software language, or at least not be afraid of learning as we go.
EE101B : Getting Started with the Earth Engine API, part 2
Presenter: Dave Thau
Description: This is part two of the Getting Started class. This part of the class will continue where part 1 left off, focusing on computing statistics on imagery, creating charts, exporting the results of your analyses.
Prerequisites: Earth Engine 101A.
EE101 Condensed : Fast start to the Earth Engine API
Presenter: Noel Gorelick
Description: Introduction to the Earth Engine API and a conceptual overview of key functionality such as compositing, reducing, mapping, zonal statistics and cluminating with building a small app.
Prerequisites: None.
Slides - Video - Code Repository
EE201 : Hands-on Earth Engine algorithms
Presenter: Nick Clinton
Description: This is a hands on workshop covering topics such as classification, phenology modeling, terrain visualization, and spectral unmixing. Concepts include arrays, charts, computing statistics in regions, and spectral transformations.
Prerequisites: Intermediate programming with the Earth Engine API. Familiarity with map() and reduce().
Forest Applications
Presenter: Dave Thau
Description: Forest applications were one of the first areas of focus for Earth Engine. This class will discuss many of the forest applications of Earth Engine, go through some forest-specific datasets we have, and explore Earth Engine scripts that people have used to analyze forest-related data. This will also be a good time to chat about possible new applications of Earth Engine in the forest domain.
Prerequisites: None.
Health Applications
Presenter: Allie Lieber
Description: This class will discuss public-health applications using Earth Engine. We will walk through a short lab that will introduce you to health-specific and other relevant in the data catalog and to Earth Engine scripts to get you started.
Prerequisites: None.
Importing, Exporting, and Rendering
Presenter: Chris Herwig
Description: This session will cover how users can bring their own vector/raster data into Earth Engine and the different ways users can take the results of their analyses out of Earth Engine.
Prerequisites: None.
India Applications
Presenter: Allie Lieber
Description: TBA.
Prerequisites: None.
Presenter: Tasso Azevedo, Carlos Souza, João Siqueira
Description: MapBiomas is a multi-institution collaboration enabling experts to collaborate on national-scale multi-year landcover classification. Learn more about how MapBiomas used Earth Engine to build their infrastructure.
Prerequisites: None
Website :
Mobile Data Collection with Open Data Kit
Presenter: Tanya Birch
Description: Open Data Kit is a set of tools that allows you to collect field data, such as text, photos/videos, and GPS location from an Android device where there's no internet connection and then publish that data to the web when you're back online. Once you've gathered your field data, we will map and visualize them. We'll use XLSforms for form creation, ODK Aggregate for data storage and train a classifier in EE based on ground points collected with ODK.
Prerequisites: None.
Python API including IPython/Jupyter Notebooks
Presenter: Tyler Erickson
Description: This session will cover developing algorithms using the Earth Engine Python API and will cover using Jupyter Notebooks for algorithm development.
Prerequisites: Earth Engine 101 or prior experience in using Earth Engine.
SERVIR-Mekong project overview
Presenter: SERVIR-Mekong Team
Description: During this session, we will provide a brief overview of the system architecture of the Lower Mekong regional land cover monitoring system (RLCMS), a flexible modeling system built entirely within Google Earth Engine through collaborative development between government, nonprofit, and university partners. We will spend the majority of the session in a hands on exploration of the script repository and assets. We will describe how we: 1) defined a shared land cover typology and specified the design criteria, 2) developed biophysical map layers, such as percent tree cover, 3) created a modifiable rule‐set to assemble the biophysical map layers into locally meaningful land cover categories, 4) propagated uncertainty from the biophysical map layers and, 5) assessed map accuracy.
Tables and Vectors in Earth Engine
Presenter: Nick Clinton
Description: This class will cover how to load, manipulate, display and analyze vector and tabular data in Earth Engine. Learn how to structure efficient queries, filters and algorithms for Feature Collections.
Prerequisites: Intermediate programming with the Earth Engine API.
Time Series Analysis
Presenter: Nick Clinton
Description: This session will cover time series topics including linear modeling, auto-correlation, cross-correlation, auto-regression, smoothing and iteration.
Prerequisites: Intermediate to advanced programming with the Earth Engine API.
User Interfaces for your EE scripts
Presenter: Lauren Scott and/or Andrew Chang
Description: This class will introduce new tools that make it easy to design interactive Earth Engine visualizations. Learn to make interactive maps with Earth Engine, including widgets for labels, buttons, sliders, panels, charts and maps.
Prerequisites: None.
Web Applications with Earth Engine & Google App Engine
Presenter: Tyler Erickson
Description: Learn how to build and deploy Earth Engine powered applications to Google App Engine. Featuring the Google Cloud SDK, Maps API and the Earth Engine Python API.
Prerequisites: Google account, Laptop with Chrome installed, experience with Earth Engine, Google Maps API, JavaScript and Python highly recommended.