Do you want a certification from Google and IAB Europe?

Free tutorials from Google on everything from your website to online marketing and beyond. Choose the topics you want to learn, or complete the whole online course for a certification from Google and IAB Europe.

The certification is a great way to make your CV shine. It shows you’ve got genuine digital skills, and that you are motivated to learn: two essential qualities in today’s business world.

Visit Succes Online's online course.

Det Digitale Værksted på Succes Online


Succes Online's learning platform

Our platform is free, just sign up and receive your online learning plan of 23 digital marketing topics. Complete your plan by watching the lessons and checking your knowledge with fun and quick quizzes. After you have completed your plan, unlock the certification questions, and once passed you can download your certificate.

Visit Succes Online's platform.



Land your dream job in digital marketing

Do you dream of working with digital marketing? This is your chance to land a new job.

Succes Online has established a partnership with Graduateland, Europe's largest career portal for students and graduates. Connect your Succes Online certification to your profile on Graduateland and increase your chances on being found of your new employer.

Read more about the partnership here

Graduateland og succes online