Note: Registration to be a facilitator or host is now closed. If you are still interested, drop a mail to with your profile and city you want to host the study jams.

Thank you for your interest in contributing to this initiative. We appreciate your willingness to share your knowledge back with the community. 


Requirements to host an ML Study Jam

This program is suitable for you as a facilitator, if:

  • You are a strong programmer

  • You are a Machine Learning practitioner, ideally with a few years of experience in using ML to solve business problems in any industry. 

  • You have completed MLCC yourself. 

Format to host your ML Study Jam

ML Study Jams is a 4 week program that combines live meetups and self study. The facilitator’s role is to introduce the concepts, exercises and case studies to the participants through the live sessions, address questions and moderate discussions.

Facilitators are free to add, codelabs sessions, Hackathons, case studies, webinars or any ideas on top of the core curriculum, to make the sessions more relevant and impactful for the audience. ML Study Jams can be run from June to the end of year.