AI and classroom literacy

Find out how to make your school more inclusive and accessible to all learners. The assistive literacy tool, AppWriter, helps SEN, EAL and MFL students get the confidence to become outstanding readers and writers. At this hands on session you will also have the chance to discover the “baked in” accessibility features of Chromebooks

Transforming your Classroom

Work with Certified Google Trainer and soon to be Google Innovator Harmeet Sahota, of Queensmead School to discover the power of effective collaboration in your Classroom.

Turn old devices into Chrome devices!

At this interactive session, you will be able to bring one device for the Neverware team to transform into a Chromebook with CloudReady. See how your school can give your old computers an affordable new lease of life and go Google by putting fast, safe, secure Chrome devices into the hands of teachers and students.


Using Google Jamboard in the classroom sparks creativity, encourages collaboration and increases engagement at all levels of Education. Team up with Jamboard for this hands on session and find out more. Limited spaces.