Award Categories


Campaign Categories

Campaigns launched between March 2020 - November 2021.

Pandemic pivot

How did you pivot to adapt your campaign strategy during the pandemic?

YouTube HomeShows was born out of the new world we found ourselves in back in March 2020. We want to hear your stories on adaptability and agility, and how you pivoted your campaign to deliver results during the new normal. 

Newcomer icon

What’s your success story since using YouTube to advertise your brand for the first time – or since returning after a break of three years or more? 

We want to hear about the success you’ve had since using YouTube for the first time – or since returning to YouTube between March 2020 and November 2021 after an absence of three years or more. What made you choose YouTube for this campaign? And how has it helped you drive better business results? 

Holistic campaign icon

How have you used a multi-channel approach to maximise impact?

YouTube loves to work hard amongst other media channels on a plan. We want to see the best holistic campaign - a beautifully integrated multi-media mix with YouTube playing a key role. How did you decide on the chosen media channels and how did YouTube link in with them? 

TV/YT Icon

How did you bring TV and YouTube together to maximise your AV plan? 

February’s HomeShow was all about why YouTube and TV work better together. For this award, we want to know how you combined the two media channels to drive more efficient reach. What planning tools did you use? And what were the results? 

Targeting icon

How did you use the power of Google’s data or YouTube’s content to reach your target audience? 

March’s HomeShow uncovered YouTube solutions that empower you to reach audiences in the right context, which could be via targeting them in the right moment or appearing next to the right content. Have you tapped into Google’s data to maximise your targeting capabilities? Have you made the most of the content opportunities on the platform using YouTube Select lineups? Or you might have even achieved a wonderful blend of the two!

Video Action Icon

How have you crafted an effective performance campaign that drove an uplift in results? 

April's HomeShow taught us how YouTube Video Action Campaigns can leverage smart bidding to drive performance at scale. We’re looking for campaigns that have used Video Action best practice to drive incredible results. 

Tentpole Icon

How have you used planning and executional excellence to deliver top results for your Q4 campaign? 

June’s HomeShow covered the most important time of the year for many advertisers - the festive retail peak. Did your Q4 campaign bring your best planning and executional skills to life? Did you launch your Christmas campaign using YouTube for the first time? And did your tentpole campaign deliver excellent results?

Creative Icon

How have you maximised creative assets on YouTube? 

July's HomeShow was an exciting download of all the creative wonders from Cannes coupled with some equally exciting creative best practice on YouTube.

In this category, we’d love to know how you followed creative best practice on YouTube to deliver brilliant results. Perhaps you overcame a creative challenge? Combined a variety of formats? Or approached video ad sequencing in a unique and innovative way?

Whatever drove your creative success, we can’t wait to hear about it! 

People Categories

You may enter for yourself or nominate others within your company.  

Practitioner Icon

How have you created great work by planning or buying YouTube?

We want to celebrate all the great work being done by YouTube planners and buyers. How have you used Google tools to improve your campaigns? How have you planned in an innovative or efficient way? And what expertise have you brought to the table? 

Team Icon

How have you collaborated and brought together different skillsets to drive success on YouTube?

We want to celebrate and reward a team that has worked together to create magic with YouTube. How have you adapted and thrived in the new normal and beyond? What did you have to do differently? And what lasting impact has it made?