Wenn Frauen die gleichen Informationen und Chancen erhalten, ist alles möglich

Zum Internationalen Frauentag am 8. März 2022 bietet Google Atelier Digital und die Google Zukunftswerkstatt AT zusammen mit Partnern eine exklusive Themenwoche an. In Panels diskutieren Expertinnen und Experten über das Thema Gleichberechtigung, hinterfragen geschlechtsspezifische Voreingenommenheiten und finden Ansätze für mehr Chancengleichheit im Beruf und darüber hinaus. Desweiteren kannst du dich in diversen Workshops zu Themen wie z.B. “Playing with Python - a Prelude to Programming”, “Kompetentes Auftreten dank Voice Coaching” sowie “Building Allyship” weiterbilden.

Falls du Probleme hast bei der Anmeldung, schreibe uns eine E-Mail an events-switzerland@google.com mit Vorname, Name, E-Mail sowie den gewünschten Trainings und wir werden dich der Anmeldeliste hinzufügen.

A diverse group of employees smiling into the camera while brainstorming.
Elisabete Ramalho

Elisabete Ramalho

Industry Leader, Multi-Sector Switzerland, Google

"Why is it important? Economic and societal impact studies show that when women have a voice, are given the power of choice and equal opportunities, the world advances and everyone benefits.

Why am I so invested? It is our responsibility to ensure that Young women experience a world where equality happens everywhere, along with better representation of underrepresented minorities of different backgrounds."

Christine Antlanger-Winter

Christine Antlanger-Winter

Country Director Google Austria

"Why is it important? We urgently need more role models to support girls and women in overcoming their fears and reluctance to pursue a career in IT. Access to trainings as well as jobs in the IT sector must also become easier for women.

Why am I so invested? Studies show that even in 2019, 9 out of 10 young women interested in tech were being advised to choose a more “female” career path. This shows how much we still have to invest in order to create a world with equal chances, where everyone can thrive to their full potential."

Sarah Clatterbuck

Sarah Clatterbuck

YouTube Shopping Engineering Director, Google 

"Why is it important? Talent is distributed equally throughout the world, but opportunity is not. International Womens' Day is an acknowledgement that half the world's population has untapped talent that can bring benefit to human society - in business, sport, government and all walks of life.

Why am I so invested? I benefited from the progress of the generations that came before me, and I want to improve things for the next generation of women."

Lucia Terrenghi

Lucia Terrenghi

UX Director, Google

"Why is it important? Because to shape and live in an economy and society where everyone can thrive, it is important that we strive for equal representation and empowerment, and gender equality is a cornerstone of that vision. Today girls and women around the world still experience economic, educational, health, and legal rights gaps compared to men.

Why am I so invested? Because if we make progress to close that gap, everyone can benefit from a more inclusive, diverse, and ultimately more innovative and generative environment."