Sprecher:innen / Speaker

Evelyn Leu

Evelyn Leu

Industry Manager & Lead Education Alpine, Google

#IamRemarkable (Deutsch)


Judith Dobretzberger

Strategic Partnership & Startup Lead, Google

#IamRemarkable (English)


Elisabete Ramalho

Elisabete Ramalho

Industry Leader, Multi-Sector Switzerland, Google

Building Allyship

Andreas Liedtke

Andreas Liedtke

Managing Director & Senior Partner at Boston Consulting Group

Building Allyship

Simone Dorenburg

Simone Dorenburg

Dipl. Sprecherin, Dipl. Sprecherzieherin

Stimme, Sprechen und Körpersprache – Wie Du Deine Präsenz erhöhst

Martina Della Vecchia

Prof. Martina Dalla Vecchia

Dozentin für E-Commerce, Online-Marketing und Social Media Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW

Pimp your LinkedIn Profile

Aleksandra Jarmolinska

Aleksandra Jarmolińska, PhD

Software Engineer, Google

Playing with Python - a Prelude to Programming