GreenSwapp harmonizes product data & tracks CO2 per product or recipe accurately, at scale

Ajay Varadharajan

Founder and CEO

"Thanks to SFSD, we are now a Google Build partner allowing us to provide product carbon tracking to all of Google Cloud's retail customers."

GreenSwapp is on a mission to transform how companies procure products from suppliers. Informed buyers at retailers & product brands have the power of scale to drive the revolution towards more sustainable supply chains, by shifting the products they purchase to lower-carbon alternatives.

Imagine looking through your company's procurement software and trying to pick 50 of the 500 chocolate options available, to sell in your stores, all while meeting your internal climate targets.
Now imagine you are equipped with SKU-level environmental impacts for all those 500 options. GreenSwapp's API makes this happen - it tracks product and recipe-wise carbon footprints at scale allowing supermarkets to make informed product & ingredient sourcing decisions. This unprecedented level of transparency allows them to:

  • Save time in harmonizing product data: Save 6 months of time for sustainability teams that need to wrangle with Excel cleaning up, structuring, and filling gaps in product data, to even get started.
  • Make informed purchasing decisions: Compare the climate impact of products and choose those with lower greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Communicate impact to consumers: Inform consumers about the climate impact of their purchases and help them choose lower-impact alternatives.

What role can AI play to accelerate impact?

Leveraging Google Cloud technology to empower climate-friendly choices is a multi-faceted approach. Here's how AI, powered by Google Cloud, is supporting GreenSwapp:

  • Data harmonization: AI can analyze massive amounts of impact data on food, contained in Life Cycle Assessments, and extract carbon emissions factors per ingredient from across the supply chain.

  • Predictive Modeling: AI can help forecast the impact of ingredients for which no research is currently available.

  • Behavior Change: Personalized recommendations and nudges powered by AI can shift procurement teams towards more eco-friendly choices that will also sell well. 

GreenSwapp's success with the Google Startups For Sustainable Development program showcases how AI, combined with strategic support, can drive real-world change. As founder and CEO Ajay Varadharajan puts it, "SFSD has been phenomenal for GreenSwapp... Thanks to SFSD, we are now a Google Build partner allowing us to provide product carbon tracking to all of Google Cloud's retail customers. Our startup success manager Roberto is like a personal mentor - he is as invested in our startup's success as myself and has opened many doors for us within Google". With a dedicated mentor fostering deeper integration within the Google ecosystem, the potential for scaling GreenSwapp's impact is undeniable.