Dev Ecosystem Study Jams 2020

Study Jams type that we will be running

1) Online live study jams []

Feb 2-6, and April 19-22

YouTube channel: 


2) 30 days Challenge

Check Schedule


3) Egypt Study jams GDR/Roadshow

Feb-June 2020 [ Check schedule]


4) Saudi Arabia Study Jam GDR/Roadshow

Feb & April 2020 [Check Schedule]


Study Jam

Dev Ecosystem Study Jams

Study Jams are study groups complementary to Google Developers Roadshow MENA events, ran by Dev Ecosystem MENA with content from Google Developers.

The objective of the Study Jams is to increase the technical competence of the members of our community through face-to-face courses.

These trainings give the members of our community a series of skills that can be used for personal and professional development. 

Join us in the second edition of Study Jams MENA!

Study Jam

Training Of Trainers

TOT is important, because any trainer needs two separate sets of skills and knowledge; The topic they are teaching (subject matter expertise); And the know-how of transferring that information to the student (instructional expertise). Instructors need both of these sets of skills, and we train you on both.

The goal of the Training of Trainers (TOT) process is to give new trainers the background knowledge, skills and practical experience to provide communities the training and technical assistance they need.

These trainings ensures that communities have their qualified local trainers, who can conduct these workshops in a scalable & self-sustainable way.

You can enroll now with commitment & dedication!

Study Jam

Many tracks to choose from..

We've invited Googlers and experts from around the world to speak with you about technologies of the future, and we are currently covering some of the highly needed technologies in MENA.

Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Machine Learning

Machine Learning

Google Assistant

Google Assistant



2019 Recap

The year of 2019 was the best year up until now, where hundreds of sessions deployed across mena, and hundreds of thousands has been trained on cutting edge technologies, and with that we're raising the bar high for 2020 for more ambicious goals.

Tunisia ML Study Jams

In 2019 when you talk about Machine Learning in MENA, you should mention Tunisia where a series of GDR ML Study Jams has been deployed, and the biggest ML hackathon in Africa happened few months later!

Saudi Arabia Study Jams

Saudi Arabia community is coming up very strong, with one of the highest success and completion rates, kudos to all the trainers and learners.

2018 Recap

As we move forward with ambitious plans for 2019, we look back at 2018 success stories to get inspiration and do better, the following are few checkpoints of previous Study Jams recently..

Oman Study Jams

Nothing better than desire to learn, dedication & encouraging environment, you can see the future in the Omani youth.

Algeria Study Jams

With enthusiastic audience keen to learn Google Cloud Platform and Flutter in Algiers, early November 2018.