Frequently asked questions

Unfortunately we can’t consider your submission if the program isn't available in your country as you wouldn't meet the eligibility criteria set out in the Terms and Conditions.

You - as the developer of the game - are the one who needs to enter and you are the one who needs to be based in one of the eligible countries and meet the eligibility criteria.

Yes, you can apply to the program again.

No, you can be an individual, as long as you are based in one of the eligible countries.

Unfortunately you must be at least 18 years of age or of age of majority pursuant to the laws of their country of origin (whichever is higher) at the time of making a submission.

Yes, there is no submissions limit per developer. You will however need to submit each game separately.

We will start reviewing submissions as soon as we get them.

You can check out some general tips on how to build a successful game on the Google Play Academy for App Success.

We will announce the selected class early September on this website. Make sure to also follow our Google Play Developer channels (Twitter, LinkedIn). Selected participants will also be contacted via email. 

Class members would be expected to dedicate aboout 5 hours per week, throughout 12 weeks, starting in October 2021, with a short break over the end of year holiday period. This is not a full-time accelerator. 

Get in touch with us by emailing