11. Prioritising tests

At this point we’ve identified the areas that will help improve your mobile experience. It’s now time to figure out where you should begin testing. Using a framework to prioritise fixes is a great way to see where the biggest wins for minimum effort are.

Prioritising tests

Video course


The PIE prioritisation framework

Chris Goward’s PIE framework identifies three important factors for prioritising tests:




How big of an uplift do we estimate that the change will bring?



How much traffic does the page get and are you investing a lot to get those visitors?



How simple is it to implement the fix?


Step 1

Step 1

Start by listing the tests you need to carry out on your mobile site.

Step 2

Step 2

Assign a score for the potential increase of conversions the page will give.

Step 3

Step 3

Assign a score for the value of the page’s traffic for your business and how important it is for ROI.

Step 4

Step 4

Finally, talk to your developers and ask them to assign a score for how easy it will be to design and implement the fix.


PIE Prioritisation

Start with the idea with the highest score. Read more about the PIE framework here



Start A/B testing your mobile site today

Google Optimize is a free tool that will help you begin A/B testing today. Get testing to start delivering more mobile conversions.

Google Optimize


Now let’s look at how to begin testing in chapter 12!

A/B Tests