6. Quantitative research

Quantitative research is a great way to find new insights and validate any findings from your qualitative research. Google Analytics is a gold mine for data digging.

In this chapter we’ve selected some of our favourite data points related to Conversion Rate Optimization. 

Quantitative research

Video course


Find out where in the funnel customers are dropping off

Finding the weak spots in your funnel will help you establish which pages need most attention. Get started by following this Google Analytics guide for setting up a Goal Flow Report.
When analysing which pages have the highest exits, remember that bad speed can be the factor in why visitors don't move forward. Review both the UX and speed.


Customer funnel


Find patterns on the most visited pages and landing pages

Determine your most popular pages. Use this Google Analytics guide to see which pages are performing well and which are lagging behind.

Use the Comparison View to help you establish patterns. Ask yourself what is specific about the pages that get strong results? What is specific about the pages with weak results?

Remember to always use a segment for a specific channel before you do the analysis. Channels will influence the conversion rates, so if you want to evaluate different pages under equal circumstances make sure you evaluate within only one channel.

Patterns views


Exercise: Start analysing

Carry out the above analysis. Where are your biggest problem areas? Take that insight with you as you move forward when evaluating each page.



Start A/B testing your mobile site today

Google Optimize is a free tool that will help you begin A/B testing today. Get testing to start delivering more mobile conversions.

Google optimize


Now you’re ready to look at proposition value in chapter 7!

Next episode 

Value proposition

Value proposition